Tada! It's finally there, at Patate & Persil, my tabletop. 

What an offbeat way to discover and view visual art! Artists from the Vaudreuil-Soulanges region were invited to paint tabletops for the funky resto. A far cry from a gallery setting, this repurposed art reaches the population at large.

I decided to paint feet. When I told my friends about the idea, most went eeeewwwwwwww!!!! Feet on a restaurant table??? (the underlying message being "are you nuts?"). No one expected overlapping blue lovelies centred around a black hole. The painting process was rather painstaking. Who knew that painting toes, each one an individual, would take so much time? I fell in love with the final image and felt sad when I parted with it. 

My work is part of a second wave of new tabletops. Identifying tags with the artists' names have yet to be installed on the latest additions.  A vernissage will eventually follow...dates to be determined. I'll update this entry as things evolve. 

I invite everyone to come and view the wonderful masterpieces that grace this unusual eatery. Take a picture of yourself at a table and post it on the Facebook website, À table avec les artistes. We, participating artists, love the activity and appreciate your comments

Enjoy the whole enchilada (yeah I know, bad pun), a full-blown aesthetic experience of art and good food. 


  1. Pedicures not included! But footsies encouraged.

  2. Babette's feet! I can understand the critics, though. We've always been told to keep our feet off the table. You Rebel, you!


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